Americans Still Suffering From Credit Card Debt

Though Americans today are generally improving at managing credit card debt, a recent survey found that many are still seriously affected by large amounts of these debts, a KOMO News article stated on April 10.

The survey, which was released by the National Foundation for Credit Counseling, pointed out that at least one in every three household members cannot meet their monthly credit card debt balance. Those who are in trouble with such debts tend to roll over their balance to the following months, resulting in even higher debts due to interest rates. NFCC Communications Vice President Bruce McClary advised people to pay off their debts and not allow them to roll over. Paying debts on time may result in increased savings, McClary added.

Facing overwhelming debt is often stressful and frustrating, especially if you believe that you are running out of options. If you are in such a situation, a skilled lawyer may be able to offer you workable legal solutions that can allow you to regain your financial security. Contact attorney  Erin B. Shank, P.C., in Waco today at (254) 690-4110 to learn more about your legal options.

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